Friday, March 5, 2010

RATS! Baptisms!!!

so your telling me josh h. is home? crazy!. and he is strong huh? cool i guess. im pretty strong to i guess... NOT haha. im glad you all had a good time there in florida. tht is good. im glad you like the cd of photos also.
still rats but we are searching for results haha. and no i havent found the journal. im sure its long gone by now. well a little about my week...
so this week my comp told an investigator he missed nursing haha. it was funny. so this investigator has a little boy that was like crying lots and they were like ya he misses nursing but the only thing is that the word nursing is realy close to mom in portugeuse haha. so he understood mom and was like ya me to haha. it was funny.
also we some some kids "iceblocking" only it wasnt on ice. it was cool. crative little kids. they were on little 2 liter bottles of soda slidding down the hills haha.
o so ? for ya, have you ever heard of the fruit called Guava? i heard we have it there i just dont ever remember it. but just wondering.
i got two packags this week. one from Romy which was way cool. being american in brasil receiving a package from germany. wicked haha. tell her a HUGE thanks for me.
this sunday a member brought a friend to chruch that had already been taught everything but when it was getting close to her baptism i guess she suffered a bad accident and they say it s a miracle she is alive but sunday she came up to us and told us she wanted to be taught again and baptized so we went and taught the 1st lesson marked her baptism for the 13th of march and also we will have two baptisms this week. Junior and Luis. im way excited for thes baptisms!!! it will be way cool. they are both 18 and will be 19 soon and they are moving so much. they are like my role modles. i mean can you imagine a 18 year old boy gving up lots of worldy things to be baptised.
its amazing the love of our heavenly father and how stong the holy ghost can testify to us if we really are with an open heart!!! o also this week something else funny happend. decided im a pretty big tease haha. like we were dong a FHE at a less actives house and my comp was directing the music and he was useing a zip up tie and i was sitted righ next to him so i was just like wanting to play a joke on him haha. so i just reached up and pulled the tie and it unzipped haha. it was so funny.
and also this week i did my first divisions as a DL. it was cool. i did one with the zl and also another missionary in my district!!! well ya that was about my week. its all going good. im deciding i have ALOT of time in this area. it passed WAY fast and i was like WOW, i almost have 6 months in this area already. crazy crazy.
o i still love acre to death. but im loving here now also. alot depends on your comp!

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