Friday, March 5, 2010

More Pics from the comps mom!

So the first two pictures are the night after a long day of working, so we made cuplaço juice! It's this sourish fruit, we bought some
in a market and with the help of everton (in the picture) we made some delicious juice!

The last picture is a cool little area in the area I was in with the ZL yesterday. This little neighborhood was on the side of a road that was a big hill, and that dirt path is actually a staircase of sorts. Funny story, after I took the picture, I started descending, and the dirt just started giving away so I ended up sliding down the entire thing. In the picture is Elder Whitlock, one of our ZLs.
The first picture here is of the gift that was given to me by the crazy guy and his family, including his daughter that we're helping get married in two weeks or so.

The second and third are of the weirdest fruit I've ever seen in my entire life! It looks so weird, but you peel away the skin and there's a grape on the inside! It was way delicious, but I would have never have thought to eat something like that.

The last picture is of a miniture service project we helped with. The neighbors of Junior and Randy and Ingrid and all them were robbed because someone jumped over their wall. So we helped them mix cement and put broken glass on top of the wall so it can't happen again. They guy in the pic with Elder Stanger is Junior, who's getting baptized on Saturday!

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