Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rat Fight and Baptism Photos (Thanks E Johnson)

The first is of the rat we had a battle with, rat battle, not rap battle. Although I think the latter would have been much more pleasant. As you can see, stretched out he was as long as both mattresses. Elder stanger caught a good pic of him in the air that I'll grap from him and try to send. the second was in the trashcan we caught him in. Can you believed he jumped right out of that thing the first time?

The third pic is at the baptism on Sunday, there were a lot of people there and it was one of my favorite baptismal services we've had. The fourth pic is of E Stanger and I in our jumpsuits that were slightly large. We both used those since everything was kind of last minute and we didnt bring our baptismal clothes

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