From his COMP (great email! pay special notice to the bold paragraphs)
Oi família,
Well this week certainly passed fast, it seems like just yesterday I was writing my last e-mail. Once again it has been an eventful week, although certainly less embarassing than the last one. It would have been pretty tough to be MORE embarrassing certainly, but that's okay, I'm getting past it and learning from my experiences! The highlight of the week had to be the two baptisms that happened on Sunday night. Our investigators Junior and Luis were both baptized, which was a relief because for a second it looked like we had some problems. Luis (the peruvian) lives really far from the chapel and he works a lot during the day, so we had just set it up so that he'd get his interview right before the baptism. We even went over the questions with him before hand so that we would know if any problems would come up. We did the same for Junior too. Sure it was risky to have the interviews right before the baptism, but we went over the questions beforehand and they both said that there weren't any problems there. Well after some confusion in getting there (Elder Stanger had to do an interview right before so we had to do some scrambling to get both investigators there) it turns out that both Junior and Luis had problems with the serious question and had to talk to President before they were baptized. It definitely came as a shock and was really unfortunate because their families had already started coming for the baptisms and all that. So we scheduled the interviews with the President the next day (he was already going to be at the chapel for another stake's stake conference). Everything ended up turning out okay, they both were able to be baptized after church on Sunday night. It was a little hectic and a little stressful but everything worked out. Sunday actually ended up being a very interesting day. The other stake had a stake conference, so our ward didnt start until 3! That meant we actually got to get up and do exercises and actually do our studies, which we never have time for on Sundays. Then we had to go to the chapel early for the interviews and then we had church and then the baptisms and then the day was over, it was a very, well it involved a lot less walking than normal. It was a pretty relaxing Sunday!
Oh So then last Pday after e-mails we took a bus down to the center (which as always, was an adventure in itself) and we met Elder T. Davis (the ex-comp of Elder Stanger who's going home soon) and Elder Johnson (elder Carlings first companion in the field). We then went to lunch at a member's house. It was actually a member that Elder T. Davis baptized his first time through in that area, so it was really cool to see a member that was baptized, stay strong in the church for a long time and still have a really strong love for all missionaries. So then after that we went to the Elder's apartment and played a lot of Settler's of Zarahemla, which is Settlers of Cataan with a mormon twist. Elder Stanger said that since a lot of the cards have scritptures included we're going to start playing it for companionship study...haha just kidding. I've got entirely too much work to do to study the lessons and the language before I can even begin to think about doing something like that. So it was a really fun trip though, I was, once again, by far the youngest in the group, which is alwasy tough. Everyone starts telling stories and all the sudden I feel like I never will go home, but that night we got back to work and it was all good.
So I hope everyone remembers me talking about Samuel and Ana, the parents of the family we baptized. We had been planning on getting all their papers togetherfor baptisms, and we were just waiting for the money, when we heard than Samuel and given in and got drunk one night. Well that didn't fly to well for Ana (who has been living with him for 17 years) and we heard from her kids that she wanted the papers back and all of that. Unfortunately the next time she was free I was on a Division in our area with an Elder Oxborrow, so because I know the family I had to do a lot of talking. We gathered the family together, and Ana began talking about her struggles with living with him, and about how she just wanted the best for her kids and she was crying and it was terrible. Then Samuel starts crying because he cant stop and he threatened to commit suicide and so yeah it was kind of crazy. We tried to tell them how we needed to support Samuel because he was addicted, but I'm pretty sure no one in that family has an ounce of respect for him. We really stressed the importance of a family and how it was of God and how right now the parents were living in Sin. We didn't get too much resolved because we had to meet back with our companions to finish the switch, but we left with a prayer and just kind of hoped for the best. Elder Stanger and I went to pick up the family for church (both parents said they would go) and only the kids were there and ready to go. It was one of the most frustrating moments of the mission, because seriously these kids are awesome and deserve to have a good family so much, but their parents just won't help their family with the help of the Lord. So we went back the next day, and it turns out that Samuel is moving out because Ana is kicking him out. It was kind of sad, definitely not what we had wanted, but at least they're not breaking the law of chastity anymore. It was really the first time I've literally called someone to repentance. But unfortunately, the mom isn't seeming too interested in the church, I think it would be too much of a change. She says that she prayed about our message and believes that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet, and she loves how she feels when we come to visit and how much we've helped their family, but she said that she's just too busy on Sundays and all these excuses. It was really sad, but at least her kids are really firm in the church (Rodrigo is passing the sacrament now and still going to seminary everyday) and at least she's living the law of chastity, and it's not too late for her so I think we'll just keep praying and visiting.
But this week wasn't entirely depressing, I have some pretty funny stories too. The other night, we had finished with our last compromise, I mean appointment, and we were walking back to the house. It was dark out and we were walking behind what looked like a mom with a teenager and a little girl. As we passed them Elder Stanger looked back and said "Boi Noite" just to be friendly. Well turns out that it was actually two teenagers and a little girl, and the girl (that Elder Stanger thought was a lot older than she really was) must have been pretty moved by that, because she let out an audible dreamy sigh as we walked away. Haha Elder Stanger still says that he thought she was an older woman, but I think he's just trying to cover up the fact that he totally hit on a teenage Brazilian girl.
Another funny story was that Elder Stanger and I had a serious encounter with a big rat in our house Friday night. We got home and heard something, and turned on the light to see two little rats running around the house. We had two extra matresses up againt the wall next to a box that usually holds an air conditioning unit. Well those two escaped up the mattresses and out the box into the night. Elder Stanger was a little fed up and started banging on the Oven, which is one of the rat hose spots. Well a fairly large rat hopped out and ran into our bedroom. But we had already taken down the mattresses so the little sucker was stuck in our room. Elder Stanger got a crazy look in his eye and decided that we'd shut the door to keep him locked in there while we got tools to take care of him. What ensued was a night of hell, and I'm using it in the literal sense for the record. We each had a broom and were swinging at him, but this rat was olympic. He was jumping and almost jumped out the window, he was easily jumping four or five times his own body length. Later on he climbed the door frame and was chilling like seven feen in the air, clinging on to the wood of the frame. By then end of the night he had walked all over our pillows and sheets, and we had succeeded in not even touching him. We ended up (through our pure genius) trapping him in a big trashcan, we had to put a covering on because the first time he jumped right out of the can. It was about 1100 at night and neither of us are especially cruel people, so we just left him in the can overnight with a cracker we had tried to lure him with. The next morning we had no idea what to do with him, so we tossed him out next to our house, hoping the fall would injure or kill him...but he just ran away like it was nothing. It was a good 25 foot drop! He was a worthy adversary and I think he deserved to live. We got some pretty impressive video of him jumping and climbing the door frame. I was filming him on the doorway and he totally jumped at me, so all you see on the video is the camera shake and loose focus, and two grown men yelling like little girls. It's a pretty funny video, I'll probaly try to put it on a CD or DVD or something and send it home.
That pretty much does it for the week. We had a sweet sleep over last night with the elders from the district. Normally it's just Elder Stanger and I, but we had 8 people n the house last night. One of the members in another ward makes a mean pizza (rare in manaus) with stuff crust (unheard of here) so we had a lot of that. It was pretty cool just to relax and talk with other missionaries. Today is pretty chill too, just some letter writing, and a lot of relaxing. And then after on to another week! Transfers are coming up soon so I need to start preparing to know the area really well in case I stay and Elder Stanger is transfered, which would be a little stressful at first, but I think I can handle it.
Hyrums Email: we had two more baptisms. it was way cool of Juinor and Luis. they were awesome. thye were supposed to be sat but they didnt pass the interview so pres had to come and talk to them and then pres passed them so the baptisms were sunday!!! i was soo happy to see them be baptised!!! oh that old man with he pot and straw is a drink called terere. i actually am like addictied. i drank some last night and i will be drinkin more today. :) i love it. but that guy was drunk in the moment so he was kinda out fo it. he is a dad of some members. so a little about my week. last night we had a district pizza party at my house so it was pretty fun i guess. and also two nights ago we did a FHE at that guys house and me and johnson tried to make an "american dish" which would be mac and cheese. ya, it didnt go so well. oopsi. but it was pretty fun. i wanted to wish you and dad a happy aniversary!!! you two have been together long long time. congrats. lsat week we did a pday party at Elder T. Daviss house. he goes home in like 2 weeks i think. and on the way back we were driving by the river of the amazons and guess what i saw...a cruise ship!!! i thought of you and your dream to visit here. we also had a crazy cool rat chase this week. i got lots on video so you will be able to see it when i come was crazy this rat would jump like 3 feet in the air. he was huge. it was nuts haha. i am starting to study the BOM in spanish and italian. it ws good overall! the mission is getting more fun everyday!!! im loving it. haha. well love ya lots.