Saturday, August 1, 2009

week of July 31st, 2009

my pres. well he is way laid back. ive only met him once but he is way relaxed and laid back. haha. this last year will be alot dif then the first year of my mission. im way excited. i know i will love it. i will be able to breath a little i think haha. i love pres milder to its just they are diff ppl and i love them both and ya haha. its gonna be great.. and 3 packages? what did you put in them haha. thats alot of stuff haha. thats nuts. but ya. all is great here. love ya lots.
we had a baptism sunday!!! her name is Adalgisa. she is way cool. she was deff being prepared before we met her. she was a referance from a member. so we had some FHEs with her and her family. she loved them and so we continued teaching her. she had a few big problems with some comandments but she dropped them all like it was nothing!!! for example she smoked and drank ALOT of coffee. she droped those two things like it was nothing and she was also having a big problem with the 7th comandment inthe 10 comomandments. ya she was sleeping with her best friends husband and her best friend didnt know. she been with him for 10 years and has 2 kids with him but when we taught her this comandment she talked to the guy and put and end to it. she will be a great member. she is very well educated which is hard to find here and she makes good money and is already paying her tithing!!!! she will be a great help for the chruch here. also there were some ppl from Peru here this last week selling cool hand made stuff so i bought a couple of cool things!!! :) also this week it got WAY cold. i almost died. it got to like 60 degrees i think but here no one is prepared. all i had to sleep with was a sheet but a recent convert game me a little blanket that helped a little i think. haha. i dont know because i was still dyeing from the cold. ahha. i slept in a sweater pants socks and all sorts of clothing. haha. i also didnt shower for like 3 days cause the water was SOOOO cold haha. and another thing this week that is way crazy. the moms here LOVE the scripture in proverbs 23:13-14. every one uses this scripture. its anoying. i feel bad for the kids here cause they all get beat. seriously. we got to a house and there was a liittle boy kneeling in a pile of beans and we asked why and she said she was hitting him and wanted to stop so she put him there and we asked why in beans and she said casue it makes it hurt worse. yikes. haha. another lady took telefone wire and made like a whip out if it and beats her kids with it. ppl here are CRAZY ! but ya that was my week. it was great. well the baptism part haha.
and have a great week.elder stanger

1 comment:

Jesse, Devon and Aida said...

Hyrum!!!!!! Its Logan.. hows it going.. havent talked to you in forever. Hows the Mission? you gotta get a hold of me when u get back ill fly out there. if you can my email is