my comps name is Elder T. Davis. he is from oregon but his fam moved to salt lake recently. he turned 21 on sunday and has a year and 4 months in the mission. he is way cool. prob my fav comp so far. were doing just great. i have no clue if i will be transfered. prob not though. and the transfers will be sunday.
the food is still just rice and beans. i dont think it will change to much. every once in a while there is a weird meat or somethign but ill let ya know when that happens ok!!!
the weather, well its still bloody hot haha. my toe is good but now another one is hurting. its the one that i broke a few years ago but never straightened it. but o well thats misson life right!!!
and ya the drive on the spyder thruough yellowstone sounds like a BLAST. and romantic. ill for sure do that with a girl when i get back..hahaha.
well we are teaching a family and the husband is a member and was baptised like 20 years ago but inactive this whole time and we got his wife as a referance so we taught her found out her husband was a member!!! so they went to chruch sunday and were received great. brazilians are so friendly. and she read 3 nefi 11 and she asked us if she good be baptised with her kids. so we were like heck ya haha. we makred for the 30th of this month!!!! yes reactivate a man and baptise a family :).
well we are teaching a family and the husband is a member and was baptised like 20 years ago but inactive this whole time and we got his wife as a referance so we taught her found out her husband was a member!!! so they went to chruch sunday and were received great. brazilians are so friendly. and she read 3 nefi 11 and she asked us if she good be baptised with her kids. so we were like heck ya haha. we makred for the 30th of this month!!!! yes reactivate a man and baptise a family :).
so this week we got home to houre house and i saw a cockroach onthe ground so i killed it. then i saw another and another and so on...haha. we found there hiding place under the sink and we killed about 50 that night and then woke up the next day with daiarria because of all the chimicals we used to kill them. i think we got a little sick haha. but now were all good so now worries :)
also Anita, a recent convert was way cool/funny this week. the cool part is we had an Açai party at her house. we drank TONS of açai haha. the funny part is my comps bday was sunday and here in brazil they sell towels with naked girls on them. so after chruch we go to anitas house and she gives my comp a naked girl towel. it was weird. haha. but ya thats this week. some ?´s for you.
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