Monday, October 20, 2008

Letter written to mom october 2

wow so much to talk about in this letter. first off i hope my handwriting is getting better so you can read the letters i write you!:) secondly, this week had been great! for a # of reasons. i hope you did not read dads letter cause if you did this letter is a waste of my time :) they will say pretty much the same thing. ill start at the beginning and work my way forward. Tuesday Sep. 30th elder Orr marked a verse in my scriptures for me. its totally appropriate for me:) D&C 23:3. its a good one. Wednesday was the first thunder storm, very pretty. very loud. very
EVERYWHERE! its crazy! we gave out 6 copies of the books of mormon. i also got 3 packages; 2 from mom and 1 from amanda. the one from mom was tie and cookies. the other was snacks and supplies. i was very surprised you bought shampoo. why did you not send me yours? But OK! we loved all 3 packages. thank you so much. couldn't have gotten better. it was also conference this weekend. it was so nice to hear the messages taught! some talks that stood out to me were: well pretty much ALL of them. Pres. Monson announced a temple in ITALY! I am so happy for dad. It was weird normally conference is SOOO LONG, but this time it was WAY short! I'm sad. It was AMAZING it was all directed straight to me, i think :) lots of missionary talk and brazil talk :) well my favorite talk saturday was Jeffrey R. Hollands! i will let you either watch it again or read it if you want. but i loved it. you and dad are mortal angels. always there for me in my good and bad times. you always supported me and loved me! thank you so much! grandma and grandpa are also angels. they always gave me good supportive talks and stories. each one of my brothers and sisters are also. they are all so loving to me even when i was just rude. my nieces and nephews are also, always reminding me to become as a child. :) you and dad especially! i could point out specific things for each one of you all, but my hand tells otherwise. the longer i write the worse it looks. i still have journal to write in! but all of conference was great for sure. priesthood session was crazy. i choir that sung for it was from the provo mtc and guess who i saw! Elder Andy Harding! it was cool to see him! but we watched all the sessions live except priesthood cause it was to late. so it got recorded and we wathced it sunday morning! mom, one more thing for you from conference. sister elains s dalton. never underestimate the influence of the righteous influence. sorry but i am going to be done talking about conference, i could talk forever on it cause it was soo amazing. but i wont :) so here are some pictures of miguel and i when we met up with each other. hope you enjoy them! well, what else to talk about? i am going to the Sao Paulo temple again tuesday! oh so i want you to know that i am very thankful for the packages from you and amanda. me, my comp, and roommates love them!! :) well i guess i can just tell you how I'm doing! i am great. i am still loving it here. i thank the lord daily for making this be easy for me. i have yet to feel homesick. sure i miss everyone but it is nothing i cant handle. its been easy overall. the gospel knowledge is growing immensely Ive learned soooo much about the Church. i love this church. there are millions are me every day! and we heard conference there are now over 1 million members in brazil! i get to make that grow by opening new places in brazil cuiaba mission! i am so excited. the language is um.... well less then fluent. i prayed the other day and said "bless our children" OOPSES, i am glad i didnt get sent home we cant have children! :) :) ya my Portuguese is very rusty. but better than it used to be before i left home. i can carry on small conversations. i love it. i love all the prayers in my behalf! they help a lot. so just know i am great and have no worries about me. guess what though! bu the time you get this letter i will only have 2 weeks in the CTM. we fly to cuiaba the 28th of october. cant wait to teach ANYONE and EVERYONE. so how is brett doing? how is devon also? i am going to write them. well i love you and thank you for everything. elder stanger
A great talk that touched me and let me know that i have a testimony of this gospel was by carlos gody. "we dont have to see angels or have GREAT experiences to have a testimony" i now realize i do have a strong enough testimony. it was a good talk for me. well dont worry about me ok! :) :) is there anything i need to pray for at home specifically?
love you elder stanger

1 comment:

R&R said...

I love reading his letters. I am so glad he is doing good!