Wednesday, October 1, 2008

letter to mom starting sept 11th

mom its the 11th and i got a letter from you today. i got 6 letters today. i loved it! thats good that xtreme and posergy did good at the fair. i cant wait for a nice car when i come home. and keep praying for me. i need to learn the language asap. i got 2 more roommates today. they are brazilian. i realized i have NO idea what language they are teaching in the ctm because the brazilians speak something different. well i will write later in the week cause i am is friday the 12th. it has been a normal day for the most part. i dont know if i mentioned it but i got a letter from jataunna a couple days ago!! best day ever. today i have been working a lot on my street contact in Portuguese. we go out to the streets in a week from today. i am kinda nervous but excited at the same time. today is the best day ever for lunch. i ate so much. it was pasta. so good! so we just had classes again like normal. i did the full first lesson in English today for the last time. that was nice to get it out of the way. my comp is so funny. the lord really knows what he is doing. my comp is really short on patience if he has any at all. and since he is the district leader he conducts our meetings and stuff. but he always looses control and gets way mad. so i know i got put with him cause i am pretty easy going for the most part. i try to help him gain control and have patience. so we will so we will see if he progresses. so one of my Brazilian roommates is a black man. cool huh. i hope you got my last card and tape in good condition.

sept 13th today has been pretty good. i started to work on/plan my lesson in Portuguese. that will be kind of hard, but it will come to me. we had a fireside tonight. it was on how to give the first lesson more effortlessly. i got a lot out of it, so that was good. so no one is racest here. so our black roommate walks into the room yesterday and yells out "hey nigger cracker" it was funny. anyway love you.

sept 14th church was great. i love sundays. spirit is strong and our days are so empty so we just get to relax. it is nice. i gave the prayer in porteguesse in priesthood today. it went well i think. brazil is trying to pass a law that says NO discrimination. so if a homeosexual wants a temple recommend and the bishop says no he can get put in jail. its crazy. hope it does not pass, cause it would cause problems. we figured out that the toilets spin in the opposite way. i guess i just live on the toilet so i notice weird stuff like that. but i heard it is because we are on the opposite side of the equator. the food down here is good most the time to my tastes but my body disagrees. it punishes me about 5 times a day. NOT HEALTY :) oh well though. its worth...ya its worth it. when my journals get full do you want me to send them home so i dont have to pack them around? i have a feeling i will go through a few journals...its crazy, but lots of stories. Irmascurrino one of my instructors knows anything and everything about the gospel so we try to stump him. he always has an answer. he knows what every chapter in the quad is about. so if you have any questions tell me cause we want to stump him. ha ha. mom i got to watch ces fireside broadcast from was cool. today a sister say my name tag and was like "elder stanger ??!!" i was like "yeah" she was like "from idaho?" i said yes she said "an elder stanger from idaho served in her mission in brazil" he had a twin she said. it was weird. other than that all is well. but i am going to play a game now so i love you and talk to you soon.
sept 15th. last night my Brazilian roommate woke us up at 2:30 he thought it was 6:30! they are crazy...they dont sleep ever. i started to memorize the first vision in port today. ahhh it is so frustrating and hard. I LOVE IT:) um lets see...i am getting my hair cut tomorrow. i will send this letter tomorrow too. its p day!!! i love p day! we dont go to the temple though so that sucks. but we have a free day all huh? i email you tomorrow too. hope to know if retha had her baby and all is well with her. i am sure it is, but i cant wait to get pictures of the kid!!! so i decided elder Orr my roommate is the coolest kid ever. he reminds me of paul almost, he is fun. he is a good kid, but he gets along with everyone. he is cool. he lives in slc so thats cool. he has a gf too, so we talk alot. its so easy to stay focused here! i love it the spirit is strong. i sent part of my testimony to jatanna in a letter. you can ask her what is says if you want, but my hand is dead. but i do have a testimony. i love this church and what it does for me. i know Joseph Smith restored the church through Jesus Christ. i know that God lives and loves me. i pray like ten times a day and i know he listens. i am waiting for the answer of the gift of tongues still but i know it will come. i am so thankful for you mom and dad. i am so glad you taught me and raised me the way you did. i am thankful for the great love and support you two have for me. i hope that i can make you proud and give back even a small amount of what you have given me. you are the best. thanks for everything. i love you and the gospel. it is not just a church but its a way of life. i have realized i am not "giving up two years of my life" but i realized that the Lord is giving me two years of my life. its good. i am serving the Lord. how great is that? i mean really? the Lord. i am his servant!!!! what a great thing to be able to say and do. i love it. i love you. hope all is well. love elder stanger
p.s.keep up on doing good with posergy. i am excited for you. its cool. and how is xtreme doing? hope all is good cause i am spending all your money:)
love you dad!!!
i will email you tomorrow!!

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