Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Awesome, Funny Week!

no packages yet. and ya transfer are in like 2 weeks i think.
we didnt play soccer today but instead we decided to stay home and make our ginger bread house. it turned out cool. we are pretty much pros at it. i think its safer then most of the houses here haha.
so yesterday something way funny/embarassing happened. we were all walking in the road and like there is always water running down the side of the roads so the roads are all mossy so you ahve to be careful. well we were walking and my comp slips and just eats it in the water/moss/mud haha. it was funny. i could NOT stop laughing but he was laughing to so it was all good. they just dried fast and then he could brush all the dirty stuff off.
it was on our way to meet the member for pizza hut. last night a member took us to pizza hut. wow, it wsa the best thing i have eaten in like 1 1/2 years.ahhhh. it was buffet to so all i could eat. haha. i ate LOTS of pizza last night.
so we went to an investigators house and a little boy answered to door and we asked if the investigator was there he said ya so we're like 'can ya go get her'. well he comes back and is like 'she told me to tell you she isnt here'. were like 'go ask when she will be back'. he comes back and is like 'she said she left with her mom to buy groceries', 'well when can we come back', she said 'she is sleeping now'. i was like o wow. it was sooo funny.
but the work this week was good. our recent convert, raquel, took us to her families house and we have been teaching them and one of the visits her 15 yr old bro asked how he could be one of us. so we explained it. there baptism will be the 6th!!! we also gave him some church clothes cause he only had a pair of shorts and a t shirt and felt embarrased to go to chruch like that.
we had a good succesful week lots of baptisms marked and lots of investigators in chruch. i was looking around and relized that about 99% of the members here are converts. like the churhc is sooo new.
how amazing is the missionary work.
our whole ward is converts. it ws just weird to see and think about. like in our ward in the states like everyone was born into the chuch almost. it was cool!
also this week we had a cool FHE with a family. it was funny. johnson and i sang a song, well we tried. haha. it didnt go so well. so everyone was laughing and stuff. but it was good to have some fun.
this week pres. gave us a good tip. he said the spirt told him we would have more success if we talked less and asked more ?´s so we have been doing it this week and it is working great. the investigators are really opening there hearts better and taking out there doubts and stuff.. i love having inspired leaders!!!!
well love ya.

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