Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3rd 09 No Post Office!

Pictures from the town of Rio Branco

Elder Stanger is a missionary in the ward of aquiry and the branch is conquista

my week was great. i dnt have a post office in my area so i cant send letters to you every week now. sorry. so. we went to a members house this week. come to find out every time there is a new missionary in the area he takes a shower when there at his house. so he always comes out of the bathroom with a towel and goes to shake your hand and lets go of the towel. it was a little weird. haha. also church...well it is a different church here. wow. i didnt even think i was in our chruch. haha. duing sacrament the bishop was up there talkin to ppl. during sacrament he was at the pulpit asking ?s to the reilef socity pres. and she would respond to him and then he would ask a ? to someone else and the other person would resopnd. DURNING SACRAMENT haha. weird. and the the 1st conselhor of the stake pres. gave a talk. haha. wow. he was like screaming. it was messed up. i felt lke i wsa in one of those chruches were there ppl are screaming. it was crazy. i left there screming amen and hallaluja almost haha. also we are teaching a family way cool. the parents arnt maried so we cant baptize them yet but they are way cool. everytime we teach them we leave that house with like 2 sacks of food. haha. its great.

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