Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25th

Our baptism this week: name is Rosária, we found her cause her neighbor was a reference so we went there and the neighbor wasn't home so we were like lets ask this neighbor what the schedule is so we know when to come back. when we clapped at the neighbors house she was like o come in so we went in. she said she had a REALLY hard week and the night before she made a prayer and was really sincere and prayed for heavenly father to show her what she needs to do because the path she was on was not going well. and then the next day we clapped at her door. so she heard the first lesson and said she will be prepare for baptism. she had lots of problems with the law of chasity and with the word of wisdom. she smoked, drank alcohol and tea, drank coffee, 4 out of the 5 things she did have a problem with. we taught she cant drink coffee anymore and she was like i can somewhat understand why i cant smoke or drink alcohol but coffee and tea i dont understand. but o well. i dont have to understand. i believe this is an answer to my prayer so i will obey. we would mark a chapter for her to read and when we came back she would have read like 5 chapters. haha. she was eating the BOM up haha. but she TOTALLY MOVED her life in two weeks and was baptised. she says she doesnt understang alot of things yet but she has LOTS of faith and jsut does what she is told haha. she is cool.

This week in review:(MUST READ THIS)

here is this weeks stuff.


we got a pool put in the front of the chapel to do baptisms now. its right next to the podium haha. but this week we set the pool up and then spent 2 hours carring buckets of water through the chapel haha. it was great fun.

Singing:at her baptism us four missionaries did a musical number and sang. it was fun.

Locked in Bathroom:this week also we were teaching some investigators and i had to use the restroom so i went but when i was done i couldnt unlock the door haha. it was embarrising, the son, waiting to take a shower, had to climb through the window in just his towel haha. but he unlocked it for me .

Believer:also this week we were in the street and a lady (beleiver) came up to us in the middle of the road and started dancing and singing annd screaming stuff about god. it was weird haha. everyone was staring at us.

Valdarane's Husband:(the mom of the little girl that died) we're starting to teach Valdarane´s husband, he has knowen about the chruch since 1995 but never accepted the missionares to "teach" him, they could just converse whti him. but now he accepted us to teach him. he has lots of doubts and questions but he is keeping his commitments. :) o when we were at valdaranes house we grabbed the BOM we gave them to mark a chapter for them to read and the chapter wasnt in the book. come to find out its missing lots of chapters and athe books are in a weird order. haha. we gave them a new one and i kept that one for memories. (note: the family moved closer to Hyrum's house)

Teaching a family:last night we taught a family for the first time. well its just brothers and sisters that live in the house. the oldest is 24. their mom died 4 yrs ago and the dad got married and left so there all alone. but it was the most spiritual lesson of my mission. we talked about eternal families and the plan of salvation and we were all in tears. I pray they continute to accept the comitments and are baptized.

1 comment:

R&R said...

Sounds like things are going good! Keep up the good work Hyrum!