Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Questions

As a mom, I love knowing everything about my missionaries... so I ask lots of questions. Bet you like knowing too!
1. Do you street teach? a little street teach mostly just name and house number and we will come by later. but ya. these people are retarded. i cant think of one reason why ppl live here. everyone in the ctm said. CUIABÁ, HMM. NO PPL DONT GO THERE FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE, JUST ALOT OF COWS AND REALLY HOT....haha...its sooooo true..
2. Do you have investigators come to church? We have one, a lady... she wants to know more before she gets baptized, but she accepted to get baptized
3. How big is your ward/branch? There are 300 members but only 25 come. the missionaries before us baptised lots of children and so none are active still and the members dont like missionaries cause of them
4. Then where do you eat everyday? at like 7 of those active. bishop, 1st counsler, mission leaders, and sunday school teacher haha...its great...but ya...were trying to reactivate too..everyone is like...'the missionaries just baptised me and i never saw them again. i thought they were my friends..'
5. Tell me more about your house. its weird to think i live in doesnt seem discusting as my house is i love the fact that i can shower and ??? at the same time haha is the language? Are you starting to think in Porteguese? ya like 3 words haha....i always think in port before english!! but i def know more now then i did before i left...i can like understand 50% and talk a little bit
7. I hear you are headed for a rainy season. Has it started to rain? it doesnt rain much...everyone will die if it doesnt start raining soon..haha..we already dont get to shower half the time cause there is no water..haha
8. Are you serious? Do you drink out of the sink? bottles. i dont want to die. haha...NEVER drink out of sinks..haha. and ya..if it doesnt rain...i have no water...with no water...cant shower...the best is when we use the toilet and there is no water haha...yikes
9. Do you eat beef? Is your house poorer or richer than most? Do rich people live in Cuiaba?
no rich ppl and ya..lots of beef..i would say our house is nicer then most the houses for sure..haha...but i dont like to use the word nicer..maybe not as crapy..haha
10. Do you have a kitchen sink? o yes we have A sink. for lots of things...
11. How do you do laundry?there is a machine that PRETENDS to wash the clothes then we hang them on a line to dry.
12. Do you eat healthy there?beans, rice, beef, and these things called salgados...that is all i have to chose from...and fruit. we just have to be careful with the fruit, it has bugs in it:(

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