Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mom's List of Questions....:)

1.Where do you go for a computer? for computer i go to the office normally or to like a coffee shop thingy
2.Do you meet in a church building? our church building is getting remodled so were in like a warehouse right now
3.Tell me about any families or people you work with. in the letter i will send today i talk about one family-its a new area so were still trying to work to get ppl you track or do you have appointments? we track and have appointments-mostly appointments
5.Tell me about your comp?my comp, elder mason, he is from cali, he is loaded rich(more details.. just ask mom)
6. Can you use your debit card?ya i can use my debit card, im going to try not to though as much as poss,
7. Are you in a poor part?yes, very poor, all of our mission is poor i think
8. Is there a ward or branch? i dont know if its a ward or a branch-its weird, but my area is the hardest in the mission i guess cause only half has been open for missionaries and elder mason and i are opening the other half-its hard but fun
9.Do you eat at peoples houses? lunch everday is in a members home
10. Do you still eat beans and rice and now FISH?ya-every meal beans rice and tomatoes, ive eaten fish once...YUCK
11. Are there misquiotoes? Bugs? Snakes? not really alot of bugs, a few but its just so dang hot,
12. Do you ride buses? ya ride busses and walk, LOTS
13. Is youre bed comfortable? of course my bed is comfortable. its a 100 year old mattress on the ground haha
14. Are the Brazil testimonies strong? the ones who belive in the church have strong testimonies, there are some weak to, just like in the states
15. Do you work with teenagers? ya work with whoever wants to hear the messages
16. Tell me about the toilet the toilet is under the shower-its a weird setup-Grandpa wouldnt not approve-i took pics,
17. the carpet? NO carpet-tile and concrete
18. The kitchen sink? not much of a kitchen at all, ive got pics
19. Is this new area very poor? (already answered above)
20. Did the dog break your skin when he bit? no the dog didnt break skin, it was really nothing, i just told you to scare you, it mainly just got my pants. DONT WORRY
21. Are the rats on the streets? no rats on the streets,
22. Do children beg for money, food?no children begging
23. Do vendors sell on the street like in Mexico? ya ppl sell stuff on the streets!

there are fruit trees EVERYWHERE like every 10 feet there is a mango tree, pomagranite tree, caju tree, any kind or fruit you can think of plus more that you have never heard of, and
ok ok...from now on becasue of time, write down your questions and only send 5 at a time ok...haha love you

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