Saturday, July 17, 2010

LAST Email... Bittersweet!

well lets see, to work extra hard this last week will be hard casue i only have 2 dsays left to work, tonight the ward is dong a farewell party for me, then i will do a division in the ward rio branco to say bye to ppl fromt here, then friday ill say bye to ppl here and sat airplane to manaus, sunday grande circular to say bye to ppl there and then mon morning intervista, afternoon free time, night dinner at pres, tues morning airplane home.
crazy crazy. haha. so last night was the coolest thing ever, a perfect way to finish my mission. i did a division in the ward aquiry that i passed in last year and a family i taught last year i visited and some of the members had been baptized after i left but not all.
well long story short i got to baptize a girl from the family that i taught last year, it was amazingly awesome.
so FYI i will land at 12:28 in the airport ok!!! and do you know if beau will be there? and a ? for you, would it be ok if i hugged jatauna in the airport? im like a little boy all nervous haha. its weird cause i've avoided girls for two years and now to think about it im like freaking myself out haha. but ya, just some mom's advice would help:)
i will put out my hamock and sleep ahhhhh when i get home! not sure about air conditioners! g2g love ya! see ya soon


... said...

how cute...

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Adi said...

Muie la iehovisti, mormoni si atei!